Sunday, May 2, 2010

Assignment 5-1/Weekly Analysis/HUMN341/J.Slyman

Every Day is a Holiday When You are Unemployed!

Being one of the many job eliminated, displaced workers – this sounds too sweet – unemployed workers, I can tell you it isn’t much fun. Having always had a job since I was 15, being in the masses of people looking for a job at 50 was not my plan.

Of course, being out of work and a paycheck is very hard since most people are two to three paychecks from being homeless, there are other things that being unemployed can do to you and your family.

Even though who you are is not your job, your job identifies you, to yourself and others. It is a sense of purpose, responsibility and achievement. Once that is gone there is a sense of loss, similar to a grieving period. There is also the anger, frustration, disappointment and self-confidence issues.

Without a solid family or relationship all these things can be overwhelming, I must be fortunate. After the first couple of weeks of fear and anger I picked up and got moving. And although I'm still unemployed after six months, I am busy and working towards other goals along with looking for employment. It's all how you look at it. To this end, it solidifies my belief that everything happens for a reason, we just don't always know what it least for awhile. ;)

Unemployment - Consequences Of Unemployment, Problems With The Statistics, Who Becomes Unemployed?, Solutions To The Unemployment Problem. Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. I was always told that God never gives us more than we can handle. Especially where I live there are no jobs available. It does make a difference if you have the support of your friends and family. Great Post
